
冯建彬 副教授










[1]  甲壳动物种质资源保护与创新利用;

[2]  甲壳动物重要经济性状的遗传解析;

[3]  甲壳动物绿色生态养殖模式创新应用。



[1] 2022-2026年, 国家重点研发计划海洋农业与淡水渔业科技创新,中华绒螯蟹、克氏原螯虾、螺蛳大规格抗逆新品种培育,在研,子课题主持。


[3] 2022-2026年,江苏省种业振兴揭榜挂帅项目,罗氏沼虾优异种质创制与新品种选育,在研,课题主持;

[4] 2021-2023年,上海市科技创新行动计划项目,长三角核心区池塘养殖污染物源头控制与尾水治理技术攻关及示范,项目骨干,参与;

[5] 2022-2026年,安徽省水产种业振兴项目,克氏原螯虾优异种质评价与筛选 ,项目骨干,参与;



发表的主要论文情况(近5, *共同第一作者,#通讯作者)

[1] Fan YR*, Wu X*, Ling FY, Wang ZF, Ma KY, Xie N, Li JY, Feng JB#, Li JL. Analysis of the transcriptome, proteome, histological, and biochemical profiles of oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponense under long-term salinity exposure, Frontiers in marine science, 2023.

[2] Fan YR*,Feng JB*, Xie N, Ling FY, Wang ZF, Ma KY, Li JL#. RNA-seq provides novel insights into response to acute salinity stress in oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponenseMarine Biotechnology, 2022, 24(4):820-829.

[3] Fan YR*, Feng JB#, Wang ZF, Ling FY, Ma KY, Hua XM, Li JY, Li JL#. Integrated transcriptomic and metabolic analysis response in gills, hepatopancreas, and muscle metabolism in oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponense in response to acute high salinity stress. Aquaculture reports, 2022, 27,p101358.

[4] 朱皓东, 宫金华, 马克异, 陈焕根, 李家乐, 冯建彬#. 罗氏沼虾野生和养殖群体形态性状对体重的影响. 淡水渔业, 2022, 52(5):37-45.

[5] Qian HL, Ma KY#, Feng JB, Guo ZQ, Gong JH, Chen HG, Bai HT, Qiu GF. Transcriptome analysis of the post-larvae of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) after IAG gene knockdown with microRNA interference. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 2022.

[6] Guo ZQ, Zuo JB, Feng JB, Li JL, Zhang SP, Ma KY#. Impact of Titanium Dioxide-Graphene Oxide (TiO2-GO) Composite Nanoparticle on the Juveniles of the Giant River Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii Physio-Biochemistry and Transcriptional Response. Marine biotechnology, 2022.

[7] Guo ZQ, Zuo JB, Liu X, Gong JH, Ma KY#, Feng JB, Li JL, Zhang SP, Qiu GF. Effects of titanium dioxide (TiO2)/activated carbon (AC) nanoparticle on the growth and immunity of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: potential toxicological risks to the aquatic crustaceans. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022.

[8] 钱红丽, 柏浩天, 冯路路, 陈卫民, 冯建彬#, 马克异#.日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)Piwi基因cDNA克隆和表达分析[J]. 基因学与应用生物学, 2021, 40(11-12): 3426-3437.

[9] Liu X, Jiang HC, Ye BQ, Qian HL, Guo ZQ, Bai HT, Gong JH, Feng JB#, Ma KY#. Comparative transcriptome analysis of the gills and hepatopancreas from Macrobrachium rosenbergii exposed to the heavy metal Cadmium (Cd2+). Scientific reports, 2021,11:16140.

[10]  冯建彬, 马克异, 李家乐#. 日本沼虾养殖群体主要形态性状对体质量的通径分析. 上:Q蟠笱аП, 2019, 28(2):219-226.

[11] Liu X, Luo BY, Feng JB, Zhou LX, Ma KY#, Qiu GF#. Identification and profiling of microRNAs during gonadal development in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1):2406.

[12] Liu X, Ma KY, Liu ZQ, Feng JB, Ye BQ, Qiu GF#. Transcriptome analysis of the brain of the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, for neuropeptide abundance profiles during ovarian development. Animal Reproduction Science, 2019, 201(1): 63-70.

[13] Yang GC, Wang RR, Liu ZQ, Ma KY, Feng JB, Qiu GF#. Alternative splice variants and differential relative abundance patterns of vasa mRNAs during gonadal development in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. 2019, Animal Reproduction Science, 2019, 208(8):108-131.

[14] Yuan LJ, Peng C, Liu BH, Feng JB, Qiu GF